Monday, May 28, 2007

Remembering with gratitude . . .

Today we remember those who have given their lives in an effort to make the world a safer and freer and more peaceful place. Among these I count my father, who was killed in World War II, and Tim Shea, the son of two of my oldest and dearest friends, who was killed in Iraq in 2005.

But we might also remember today, not only all who have died in battle, but all who continue to step into harm's way in order to make our lives safer. I think not only of those in military uniform, but also of those serving in police and fire departments, those in public safety. We don't often stop to realize how the relatively peaceful lives we live are made possible by their courage. I think as well of my own daughter Aña, a paramedic who works the night shift on a rescue crew in an inner city.

We who live in such relative safety owe a great debt to those who make the world a safer place.

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