Since Gil finished adding material to the manuscript last
year he has worked on weaving its themes into a coherent whole. One of the best
investments he made was a computer with sufficient resources to open the entire
text in one file so that searches could be made of the entire corpus of the
manuscript. Mindful of the length (in pages) of the project it became clear
that some trimming would be necessary to bring the text into a manageable size.
Multiple complete reads of the text, with ‘scalpel’ in hand, over the past few
months have resulted in significant progress on this front. Pieces retrieved
from the cutting room floor may prove useful in possible future presentations.
There remains the final touches and edits and then, as I
believe W H Auden said about finishing a poem,…the author abandons it. Casting
the text on the waters of possible publishers will bring relief of one kind and
anxiety of another…the wait. Fortunately, there are plenty of things to keep us
busy. In April Gil will be on the road again giving presentations in San
Antonio Texas and in Lafayette Indiana. We envision other venues as well but
for now this is all we have on the calendar (details will follow in a later
newsletter). In July the Colloquium on Violence and Religion conference is
being held in St. Louis and Gil is toying with the idea of making a
presentation at that venue. If a publisher finds the manuscript of interest no
doubt there will be some discussion regarding edits, title, etc that will take
thought and attention.
One of the matters a prospective publisher takes into
consideration these days is the availability of the text under consideration
via other formats whether digital or audio. Because of this we will be taking
down our member’s only Scriptorium web site soon. This will actually be part of
a larger overhaul of our web presence discussed below.
The scope of matters brought forth in the course of the
manuscript is vast, as those who have availed themselves of the Scriptorium
website’s draft installments over the past five years have seen. Gil mentioned
recently that he ends the text with a kind of hymn to the Eucharist in which all
is bound together. As I listened to him express this I was reminded of a
response Leonard Cohen made last year in an interview when asked about his
songwriting. He said, “If I knew where the good songs come from I’d go there
more often. [Songwriting] is much like the life of a Catholic nun. You’re
married to a mystery.” I’m pretty sure Gil’s manuscript will not be set to
music. But for those whose experience of life encompasses a sacramental
understanding of life’s every aspect this comes very close to saying it all.
One of the quotes being considering for the preface to
the text is, naturally, from Hans Urs von Balthasar:
Jesus Christ is called Alpha and Omega: he has not only bound us back to our lost beginning, the Father, but has also set us in motion toward his absolute future. He alone is the force that binds together the beginning and the end, the force that can reconcile in itself, as the higher third, the two divergent world views: past and future
Upcoming changes to the website…
In the coming weeks we will be taking down our member’s only
Scriptorium website ( and
then moving our main Cornerstone Forum website to a new hosting company. In the
process the site will be offline for a short time. It is being redesigned with
the intention of making it more user friendly. Our weblog will also be
integrated into the site so there will only be one website address for all of
our ongoing content (except for any social media outlets we might use). Our
current website has served us well for over ten years. It will take us all some
time to get used to the new regime once it is in place. And there will, of
course, be glitches that will need to be worked out. We ask for your patience
with this process.
Because over the past years we proposed giving access to our
Scriptorium site to anyone making a minimum donation of $5/month or $60/year,
and we continue to be helped in our work by many who took advantage of this; we
are now making this minimum level of support include as a benefit the
downloadable MP3 audio files we make available each month to our donors.
And as ever, thank you!
We are very grateful for all who find our work of value and assist us with their material support, encouragement and prayers. We could not do our work without your help.
Gil Bailie and
Randy Coleman-Riese
And as ever, thank you!
We are very grateful for all who find our work of value and assist us with their material support, encouragement and prayers. We could not do our work without your help.
Gil Bailie and
Randy Coleman-Riese