Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Industrial-Scale Depravity

This from a fairly recent Mark Steyn comment on the National Review Online blog, The Corner.
A new book, Message From An Unknown Chinese Mother by Xinran, sheds some light on what happens to those girls who aren't aborted.

She had lived and worked almost her entire life in orphanages, and told Xinran that little girls sometimes arrived there with scars between their legs. Oil lamps or candles had burned them.

'The first thing the village midwives did when the baby was born was not to clear its airway but to check [by the light of the lamp or candle] whether it was a boy or girl, because that was what the family wanted to hear. Some of the burns were on the baby’s private parts…'

When state-of-the-art totalitarianism meets primitive village culture, the result is industrial-scale depravity. These are the words of a young Chinese female university graduate:
Mother love is supposed to be such a great thing, but so many babies are abandoned, and it’s their mothers who do it. They’re ignorant. They feel differently about emotions from the way you do. Where I come from, people talk about smothering a baby girl or just throwing it[!]into a stream … to be eaten by dogs, as if it were a joke. How much do you think these women loved their babies?
The idea that there are peoples who "feel differently" is anathema to the multicultural mind. It's why it cannot comprehend why Minnesota's "Somali-Americans" (heavy on the former, all but weightless on the latter) return to the Horn of Africa for jihad. And why even the Pantybomber's intended victims think that everything would have been swell if they could have just sat down with him and talked about his feelings.
For the most part the West’s comparable industrial-scale depravity is gender-neutral and performed by educated technicians so besotted on steroid rationalism that they are able to rationalize their savagery, carried out as it is in a contrived, stainless steel, faux-medical atmosphere.

Source: here.

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