Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CNN goes the way of all Pom-Pom media

If you need proof, here it is. This is so utterly laughable; it is a wonder that it was done with a straight face.

I attended the March for Life. I arrived for the march early and stayed for the whole thing, walking the entire route of the march. Based on what I saw and what veteran marchers told me, I would estimate the Pro-Life crowd to have been between 300,000 and half a million. At no time did I see ONE SINGLE pro-abortion or "pro-choice" sign or marcher. I expected to see some counter-marchers and demonstrators, and I'm sure there must have been some, but there simply could not have been many, for I was looking for them and couldn't find them. But, of course, CNN sent its reporters out to see nothing else.

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