The courageous cutting-edge artists are still at work bravely mocking and/or demeaning the one religion that can still be mocked and demeaned with impunity, putting the "artist" at risk of neither social repugnance nor physical harm. The
story in the Australian paper of record
The Age begins this way:
An artist has defended his installation of a lifesize gorilla on a crucifix in a former London church, saying it is designed to highlight a threatened African species.
What can one say? If you are looking for "signs of the times," here's one:
The former Holy Trinity Church in Marylebone, west London, has been deconsecrated and is now used as a gallery space for any number of different events.
Here's another, full of irony of which the artist, Paul Fryer, seems blissfully unaware. He told the reporter working on the story:
"It would be a pity if it came to represent what we failed to protect and the things we have lost forever as a result of that failure."
Indeed, it would be a pity.
Mimesis = aping.
Hmmm, can one imagine why that Paul Fryer chap didn't so portray another "threatened African species" ... the women of Darfur perhaps?
On this day we want to create a lightchain of solidarity, to light up the darkness and remember deceased animals..
II Worldwide Day of Prayer for Deceased Animals
November the 2nd, 2009, 21.15 PM
more: www.animalpastor.eu
Stwórz z nami łańcuch serc, myślących tego dnia o nich, istotach zwierzęcych, które odeszły przed nami..
II Światowy Dzień Modlitw za Zmarłe Zwierzęta
2 Listopada 2009, godz. 21.15
kliknij: www.animalpastor.eu
Wir wollen an diesem Tag eine Licht-Solidaritätskette bilden, ein Licht
ins Dunkel werfen, verstorbener Tiere gedenken..
II Weltgebetstag für verstorbene Tiere
Am 2. November 2009, um 21.15 Uhr
mehr: www.animalpastor.eu
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