My son, Hunt, is the manager of Murphy's Irish Pub in lovely Sonoma, where I lived for many years. He competes each year in the local bartender competition. His skills in this area are legendary. For something on this year's competition:

The apples don't fall far from the tree. If Oscar Wilde was right when he said that a couple of shots of whiskey is capable of producing something very similar to intoxication, then Hunt and I are in the same general line of work. I'm sure his perfectly genuine smile and his heart of gold do his customers more long-term good than the margaritas and the mai tais do.
In a more solemn and serene moment, here is a photo of Hunt and his Dad renewing their baptismal vows in the Jordan River.

And here we are a few years earlier:

Next stop on the Emmaus Road Initiative tour: Wheaton, Illinois
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