Monday, April 19, 2010

Priceless . . .

Jenn Public over at NewsRealBlog has an absolutely hilarious post showing the absurdity of the argument for public funding of abortion on demand. The headline captures it all:


Her piece is priceless:
Many leftist feminist blogs are currently promoting a fundraiser called the National Abortion Access Bowl-a-Thon.  So far, bowling teams across the country have raised nearly $100,000 to help women and girls pay for abortions they couldn’t otherwise afford.  As the organizers explain, “friends + abortion rights + rented shoes = the event of a lifetime!”

Sounds like a blast.

I don’t really care about the fundraising activities of the National Network of Abortion Funds. But since they believe the “legal right to abortion is only meaningful when women have the resources to obtain abortion services,” I figured they’d be interested in my awesome new idea to help subsidize another legal right.  I’m pressed for time, so I just went ahead and changed a few words in their promotional material:
Gun Funds across the country are raising money to make Second Amendment rights a reality for women who can’t afford to pay for their guns — and we need your help.

What is a Bowl-a-Thon? Heck, what’s a Gun Fund?
The Bowl-a-Thon is a nationwide series of local events that allow community members (you!) to captain your own bowling team, participate in a kickass national event – and raise money to help women and girls pay for guns they couldn’t otherwise afford.

Gun Funds are local, grassroots groups that work tirelessly to help low-income and disadvantaged women who want a gun and do not have enough money to pay for it. Gun Funds help women pay for their guns, help them buy bus or plane tickets, and even offer women a place to stay when they have to travel to buy a gun. Gun Funds make a difference in women’s lives … and you can join them!

Why participate in the Bowl-a-Thon?
Because you know that the legal right to bear arms is meaningless if you can’t afford to pay for it. Because you’re pissed at the way gun control legislation has rolled back Second Amendment rights. Because you love being a part of building the movement for Second Amendment justice. Because you’re a crack bowler who wants to strut your stuff. Because you know: friends + gun rights + rented shoes = the event of a lifetime!

Join us today as we strike down barriers to gun access!
So what do you think? Can we get the Left on board with this?

What do we want?  Second Amendment justice!

When do we want it? Now!

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