Saturday, November 07, 2009

Latest Update: 11:45 Eastern Time Zone

This just in from Washington:
Moments ago, Planned Parenthood sent out a mass e-mail blast to abortion supporters calling it an EMERGENCY ...

... Here's what they're terrified of:

Late last night, the House leadership -- realizing their health care reform bill didn't have the needed votes while containing an abortion mandate -- agreed to allow a vote today on the bi-partisan pro-life amendment offered by Rep. Bart Stupak and Rep. Joe Pitts that explicitly excludes government funding of abortion in health care reform.

Your calls and e-mails made the difference to allow for this amendment which could help to save millions of lives from abortion -- and prevent Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry from receiving a massive government funded bailout!

Now, everything comes down to what's happening on the House floor right now.

Planned Parenthood is begging abortion advocates to call Congress now and "reject this attack..." by demanding opposition to the Stupak/Pitts amendment.

If they succeed and the abortion mandate is not removed from health care reform, Planned Parenthood will be sending out a victory e-mail tomorrow -- and preparing to ramp up its operations to handle the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.

Even if you have called before, it is critical that you pick up the phone RIGHT NOW and tell your U.S. Representative: "Remove abortion funding and mandates from health care reform!"

If you know your Representative's name, call him or her through the House switchboard at:

(202) 224-3121

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